Physical therapist prepares runners for Bemidji Blue Ox Marathon

Hello, my name is Bri Isakson, and I’m a Sanford Sports physical therapist specializing in treating runners. We have a unique program in Bemidji called the Sanford Run Project. We prepare Sanford Health employees who want to run the Bemidji Blue Ox Marathon by helping them improve their speed or recover from a past injury.

A pro and con to running is its accessibility. Anyone can lace up their shoes and hit the ground, and that means people often set unrealistic goals or don’t have the proper training. This is where our individualized approach has an advantage.

We complete an assessment to analyze the runner’s form and make recommendations to improve their efficiency or correct a movement that is contributing to an injury. Our team might also use other techniques to reset soft tissues and improve flexibility.

After their hard work, we hope our runners accomplish their race goals but also maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

Learn more about the runners participating in the Sanford Run Project.

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