Tips for getting the most out of your performance training

Posted: December 16, 2024
Now that you’ve signed up for training with Sanford Sports Performance, it’s important to show up for yourself. Use these tips to get the most out of your private or a group session.
Be on time: Even better, show up early. Just five or 10 minutes early is enough to get yourself ready so your session can begin on time. Don’t keep your coach or other athletes waiting.
Be present: Not just physically, but also mentally. Listen to what your coach has to say. When they explain an exercise or a drill, really listen. Your performance will improve quicker.
Ask questions: If you’re unsure of anything during your session, clarify it with your coach. Asking questions will help you learn faster. Plus, it’ll build trust with your coach.
Give your all: You’ll only get out of your session as much as you put into it. No matter how many exercises and drills you do, the effort you give will determine how much you improve.
Respect yourself: Eat well, go to bed early and drink plenty of water. Being properly rested, fueled and hydrated before and after training will help you stay at peak performance.
For more information on how to be a healthy athlete, contact your local Sanford Sports location today.