Peter Tomhave

Sanford Sports Academy - Volleyball

Peter Tomhave joined Sanford Sports Academy in 2024. He coached men’s club volleyball at the collegiate level for six seasons at Concordia College and North Dakota State University. He spent 13 seasons coaching Junior Olympic volleyball with Summit Junior Volleyball. During his time as a club coach, Tomhave accumulated 450-plus wins and helped many athletes accomplish their goal of playing at the collegiate level. 

Tomhave strives to connect individually with each athlete and coach them in a way that connects with them. He works hard to get each athlete into deep practice mode and train them at the edge of their ability. He believes that’s where they improve and grow the most – both on and off the court.

Being a coach for Sanford Sports Academy is a wonderful opportunity for Tomhave and he enjoys learning from and networking with the great coaches he works with. Watching the athletes he coaches achieve success is one of the most rewarding things about being a coach for him.